Verity Bosha, CEO, Evergreen Construction,
Verity was a lawyer and became a banker before starting her company in 2006. Evergreen Construction specializes in civil, structural works, building construction and maintenance. Being a woman in a male dominated industry, Verity persisted and has grown the company to also include mining and transport. She has also created jobs for women who otherwise would have not become engaged in the industry. The company exports services to Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa. She has won many awards for her work and is currently studying Civil Engineering as part time.
Ms. Bosha will be attending the 10th Annual IWEC Conference, held on Nov. 12-14th in Redmond, Washington, to accept her award.
The 2017 IWEC conference, whose theme is “Connecting Women Businesses Globally: Accelerating Growth through Innovation & Technology”, celebrates a milestone: IWEC’s 10th anniversary. The conference is sponsored by Microsoft and hosted at their corporate headquarters in Washington state. The theme of the conference is very fitting not only for the venue, but for the emphasis that IWEC places on mentoring, education and cross-collaboration across borders. The conference agenda is a thought-provoking set of panels and presentations covering threads such as “Doing Business in the U.S.”, “Artificial Intelligence” and “Cybersecurity and Blockchain”, among others.