Mérida will host the “Summit of Latin American Women Leaders” an event that will take place at the “Gran Museo del Mundo Maya” (Great Museum of the Mayan World) organized by the U.S. Consulate in Méridathe Instituto Yucateco de Emprendedores and the We Americas Network on September 26 and 27.

In Mexico, 16 percent of the business sector is represented by female talent and the Summit of Latin American Women Leaders hopes to help increase that number


In a press conference, Fátima Rocha, coordinator of the “We Americas” Network, said that this is the third edition of the Summit of Latin American Women Leaders and that they chose Merida as the venue, since figures from the Consejo Internacional de Empresarios (COINE) (International Council of Entrepreneurs) indicate that, in Mexico, 16 percent of the business sector is represented by female talent, while the “Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs 2017”study highlighted that 20 percent of formal enterprises in the country are led by women.

According to the Inter-American Development Bank, women represent 42 percent of the Economically Active Population (EAP) in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 22 percent of them are owners of small and medium enterprises, which is why the “Latin American Women Leaders’ Summit” takes place.

During the meeting, innovation and adoption of technology will be promoted and access to international markets will be generated, since the summit also seeks to provide attendees with knowledge that strengthens their personal and business skills and aptitudes, all with the objective of enabling women entrepreneurs and businesswomen to discover their potential.

Courtney Beale, U.S. Consul General in Merida, said she was excited by their collaboration for the event. She added that there are very good opportunities for entrepreneurship in the region, especially in Yucatan, and this summit will help women with that.

She also mentioned that the U.S. government has supported entrepreneurs for many years in Mexico, because the growth of new initiatives brings mutual benefits.

“Entrepreneurs create new jobs and increase economic growth, which generates prosperity for both countries,” Beale said.

“We know that when we support women entrepreneurs, we improve the financial security of them and their families, which is why the Department of State initiated the “We Americas” program in 2012 with the goal of bringing women entrepreneurs from Latin America to the United States for an exchange that will enable them to be leaders in their field. I am very happy that they have chosen Merida for the next summit, because there are so many talented women entrepreneurs who can participate and empower,” the diplomat said.

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