An interview with Michele Ruiz, Ruiz Strategies, IWEC Past Awardee and IWEC Board Member, United States.

Ramon Ray, Founder, Smart Hustle Media discusses entrepreneurship and life

Michele Ruiz is a communication specialist, a bilingual entrepreneur, a bestselling author, and keynote speaker. Michele is also the President & CEO of Ruiz Strategies. She’s started and owned several companies and has a passion for leveraging her expertise to educate and inspire business owners, helping them to scale and grow.

For New Entrepreneurs 

The first thing Michele tells aspirational entrepreneurs, or those who are just starting out:

We often forget to think about that our business should support the life that we want, rather than our life supporting the business that we have.

In the beginning, we come up with ideas for a business for one of several reasons:

  • We have a passion.
  • We figure out a way we can solve something.
  • We’re in a job and we think we have a way we can do it better.

Michele says that our downfall comes when “we get into the mode of growing a business and the business ends up consuming every aspect of our lives.” When that happens, the consequences can be huge. 

What ends up happening?

  • Our relationships suffer
  • Our family lives suffer
  • We have no joy
  • We’re stressed
  • We’re overwhelmed
  • Our health is impacted

Michele advises entrepreneurs that are just starting out to “think about the life that you want.” Unless you’re clear about the life that you want, the goals that you have, and what that looks like, what’s the experience. Michele says that for some business owners, that might look like taking off early on Fridays to spend more time with family. Once you’re clear on the life that you want, you can start making decisions about the business and how to best scale.

Scaling Strategies 

Once you’ve been in business for 3 or 5 years, then it’s time to start thinking about scaling. Michele says that when you think about scaling, there are a few important things to consider. There are 3 kinds of scaling, and as a business owner, you’ll need to decide which method is best for the lifestyle you want and your business.

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