American Express Presents State Of Women-Owned Businesses in the US
Presented by Geri Stengel, Ventureneer
The State of Women-Owned Businesses provides stakeholders in the women’s enterprise development community – media, funders, entrepreneurial support organizations, elected officials, suppliers and customers, and women entrepreneurs themselves – with information and intelligence that can inform practices, policies and advocacy efforts that encourage successful business outcomes. Data can be used to help unleash this under-tapped engine for creating more jobs, developing additional innovation and building wealth for both the female entrepreneur and her employees.
Women-owned businesses continue to make great progress.
- There are now 12.3 million women-owned businesses accounting for 40% of all businesses.
- The growth rate for women-of-color businesses between 2007 and 2018 is triple that of all women-owned businesses: 163% vs 58% respectively.
- Over the past 11 years million dollar plus women-owned business grew 46% vs12% for all businesses.
That’s the good news. The bad news is that women-owned business has been uneven.
- While they represent 40% of all businesses, they account for only 8% of total employees and 4.3% of total revenue.