The right CEO for the right time

The role of the CEO is changing and so are the skills and competencies being sought, according to our findings on newly appointed CEOs across 16 countries.

by Heidrick & Struggles

In our latest Route to the Top, Heidrick & Struggles’ annual demographic study of chief executives, we combined data analysis and interviews to assemble a profile of what it takes to become a global CEO today, the skills and experience required, and how that picture is changing in the broader context of transformative economic and business shifts.

Our analysis provides not only insight into a composite view of the global CEO but also a look at some critical differences among the 906 CEOs of the companies listed on the following 16 country indexes: Australia, ASX 100; Belgium, BEL 20; China, SSE (top100); Denmark, OMX Copenhagen 20; Finland, OMX Helsinki 25; France, SBF 120; Germany, DAX and MDAX; Italy, FTSE MIB; Netherlands, AEX; Norway, OBX; Portugal, PSI-20; Spain, IBEX 35; Sweden, OMX Stockholm 30; Switzerland, SMI Expanded; United Kingdom, FTSE 100; United States, Fortune 100. The analysis has been conducted with data valid as of September 9, 2019.

Key findings on today’s CEO across all countries include the following:

  • The average age of CEOs is 56.
  • The average age at appointment to CEO is 50, with 21% appointed before they turned 45.
  • Some 66% of CEOs were promoted from within.
  • The average tenure length for CEOs is 6 years.
  • Only 5% of CEOs are women, with the highest proportion of women CEOs in Norway (16%) and the lowest in China (1%).
  • Some 76% of CEOs have prior C-suite experience, of which 39% had CEO experience, 21% had COO experience, and 18% CFO experience.

Here is Claire Skinner, Regional Leader – Europe & Africa, discussing the report findings on Ian King Live, Sky News.

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