“The key is to remove roadblocks so that top talent can enter, stay and flourish in STEM careers,” says MetLife study.
by Industry Week Staff
photo: Emerson Commercial and Residential Solutions
The economic fallout of COVID-19 has had a severe impact on women in the workplace. In fact, 58% say COVID-19 has had a negative impact on their careers., according to a new survey from MetLife examining the barriers women are facing amid the pandemic.
Despite this disruption – or perhaps because of it – roughly 1 in 4 women have been considering a career change since the pandemic hit.
Many women are looking at STEM fields, specifically, with 2 in 5 noting that they are interested in pursuing a career in STEM, an industry forecasted to grow at a greater rate than non-STEM industries in the years ahead.
“We have an opportunity to turn this moment of crisis into a moment of opportunity that accelerates the number of women entering STEM professions,” said Susan Podlogar, executive vice president and chief human resources officer at MetLife. “The key is to remove roadblocks so that top talent can enter, stay and flourish in STEM careers.”