Defend Your Business: The Alarming Rise of Check Fraud and the Power of AP Automation
by Corpay Cross-Border Solutions It may come as a surprise that check fraud remains a significant threat to businesses. However, a recent report from the Associated Press highlights the escalating cases of check fraud, leaving companies vulnerable to financial losses and reputational damage. Discover the reasons behind this surge in fraudulent activity, [...]
Here’s How Caring for Your Clothes Better Can Save You Money and Help the Environment
By Sajida Gordon, Researcher for the Clothing Sustainability Research Group, Nottingham Trent University For World Economic Forum. Photo: The global fashion industry is estimated to generate 92 million tonnes of textile waste each year. Image: Unsplash/Sarah Brown Fashion and textile waste can be reduced significantly if we make our clothes [...]
Why the Four-Day Workweek Works
Experts say it could be even shorter By: Shubham Agarwal For Business Insider Video: Shortening the workweek to four days gives employees the chance to rest and be even more productive when they are working. Arif Qazi / Insider My weekend was in dire need of rescue. A few years ago, [...]
Why Boundaries Are the Most Important–and Difficult–Things to Implement as Business Owners
Without boundaries, you'll quickly become overwhelmed. Here's how to set them without alienating people. BY MAURA WALTERS, FOUNDER AND CEO, IGNITE STUDIO@MAURA_WALTERS For Inc. Illustration: Getty Images There's a reason I feel so strongly about professional boundaries, and why it's the first thing I tackle with new mentoring clients. I spent years having zero. [...]
All Management Is Change Management
by Robert H. Schaffer For Harvard Business Review Illustration by Maria Galybina/iStock Summary. Change management is having its moment. But when you think about it, isn’t all management the management of change? If sales need to be increased, that’s change management. If a merger needs to be implemented, that’s change management. [...]
Independence Day 2023: Time to rally behind financial independence of women investors in India and beyond
By Abhishek Banerjee For MintGenie / India As we commemorate another Independence Day, let us also recognize the strides women are making in moulding their own financial destinies. Just as our nation fought for freedom, women are breaking barriers in wealth creation and investment. In the spirit of this occasion, we look [...]
Motivating Employees Is Not About Carrots or Sticks
by Lisa Lai For Harvard Business Review Illustration: Vincent Tsui for HBR Summary: Leaders often rely on the carrot vs. the stick approach to motivate employees, where the carrot is a reward for compliance and the stick is a consequence for non-compliance. But this is an outdated approach that never really [...]
Studies Show Music Can Have a Positive, Negative Impact on Productivity [Thoughts After Dark]
By Brooklyn Kiosow For Thomas Insights Image Credit: Prostock-studio / houghts After Dark answers the questions you have in the final moments before drifting off to sleep when a simple Google search turns into an hour-long exploration into how things are made and how they work. Your random late-night questions [...]
Becoming More Disability-Friendly Is in Manufacturing’s Best Interest
A look at best practices in the industry, from Jabil to Northrop Grumman. By Leslie Wilson For Industry Week Did you know that nearly 1.3 billion people globally live with some sort of disability? The disability community includes people who are affected physically, mentally, intellectually, developmentally or cognitively, or by a [...]
How Women Can Get What They Want in a Negotiation
by Suzanne de Janasz and Beth Cabrera For Harvard Business Review Photo: VANDAL Photography/Getty Images Summary. Based on a growing body of research on gender in negotiations, combined with burgeoning research on positivity and mindfulness, several strategies can help women negotiate more effectively. Investing effort in preparation for a negotiation — [...]