
Insight From Nielsen: New Research Shows That Disability-Inclusive Content Is Smart Business

SUBMITTED BY NIELSEN For CSRWire Originally published on the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media It’s the classic fashion catalog pose. Two fetching models, a man and a woman who look like they’re about to go yachting, peer into the camera with a look that borders on smoldering. They are [...]

By |December 1st, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: |

If You’re Known for Practicing These 4 Things, You’re Probably a Better Leader Than You Think

BY MARCEL SCHWANTES, INC. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR AND FOUNDER, LEADERSHIP FROM THE CORE@MARCELSCHWANTES For Inc. Photo: Getty Images When I give speeches on leadership, I always emphasize the importance of valuing your people if you want to be an exceptional leader. If this made you think about whether your employees feel truly valued, [...]

By |November 29th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: |

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2023 Spotlight: Empowering Women-Led Startups in Pakistan

By the US State Department The U.S. Embassy joined the U.S.-Pakistan Women’s Council and Paklaunch to celebrate Women-Led Start-up Competition finalists. [State Department photo] Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, observed annually on November 19th, is a global initiative spearheaded by the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Organization (WEDO).  The group celebrated its tenth anniversary [...]

By |November 28th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Mastercard and CARE Partner to Launch Strive Women

New program will focus on women as it aims to reach 6 million entrepreneurs in key regions, including APEC economies of Peru and Vietnam PHOTO: CARE International in Pakistan SAN FRANCISCO (November 16, 2023) — At the APEC CEO Summit today, Mastercard’s Center for Inclusive Growth (the Center) and CARE, an [...]

By |November 27th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

4 Unimaginable Ways A.I. Will Change Your Life Within the Next 5 Years, According to Bill Gates

Your A.I. personal assistant could become a voice in your ear. BY MINDA ZETLIN, AUTHOR OF 'CAREER SELF-CARE: FIND YOUR HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, AND FULFILLMENT AT WORK' For Inc. Bill Gates. Photo: Getty Images In the next five years, you will have your own artificial intelligence assistant, or agent, that will be a frequent voice in [...]

By |November 24th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

“Don’t Be A Late Bloomer – Harness AI Now to Grow Your Business” Event in Turin, Italy Nov. 8th

The full-day event, jointly organized by the IWEC Foundation and the Turin Chamber of Commerce, generously sponsored by Coca-Cola, and hosted at Turin's CIM4.0 Competence Centre, took place Turin, Italy just after the Annual IWEC Conference. This gathering brought together an array of informative and engaging speakers, as well as [...]

By |November 22nd, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

7 Tips For Female Entrepreneurs To Leverage International Trade

By Joan Michelson For Forbes Illustration:  freepik.com “When women trade, women succeed economically. With 95 percent of world consumers and 80 percent of world purchasing power outside of the United States, international trade is an untapped resource for women-owned businesses,” the International Trade Administration says. Trade helps companies be more financially [...]

By |November 22nd, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

If You Use These Inspiring Phrases Often, You’re Probably a Better Leader Than You Think

A leader's words are a powerful means for inspiring workers. BY MARCEL SCHWANTES, INC. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR AND FOUNDER, LEADERSHIP FROM THE CORE@MARCELSCHWANTES For Inc.Photo: Getty Images Leaders have a powerful tool at their disposal that they often overlook -- words of affirmation. According to Gallup research data that involved four million workers across more than [...]

By |November 21st, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

You Don’t Have to Be CEO to Be a Visionary Leader

By: Ron Ashkenas and Brook Manville For Harvard Business Review Photo:  Grant Faint/Getty Images Summary:  Creating a unifying vision for an organization is a fundamental skill for leaders. A simple, bold, inspirational vision can feel almost magical: it brings people throughout the company together around a common goal and provides a focal [...]

By |November 20th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , |
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