
“Don’t Be A Late Bloomer – Harness AI Now to Grow Your Business” Event in Turin, Italy Nov. 8th

The full-day event, jointly organized by the IWEC Foundation and the Turin Chamber of Commerce, generously sponsored by Coca-Cola, and hosted at Turin's CIM4.0 Competence Centre, took place Turin, Italy just after the Annual IWEC Conference. This gathering brought together an array of informative and engaging speakers, as well as [...]

By |November 22nd, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

7 Tips For Female Entrepreneurs To Leverage International Trade

By Joan Michelson For Forbes Illustration:  freepik.com “When women trade, women succeed economically. With 95 percent of world consumers and 80 percent of world purchasing power outside of the United States, international trade is an untapped resource for women-owned businesses,” the International Trade Administration says. Trade helps companies be more financially [...]

By |November 22nd, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

If You Use These Inspiring Phrases Often, You’re Probably a Better Leader Than You Think

A leader's words are a powerful means for inspiring workers. BY MARCEL SCHWANTES, INC. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR AND FOUNDER, LEADERSHIP FROM THE CORE@MARCELSCHWANTES For Inc.Photo: Getty Images Leaders have a powerful tool at their disposal that they often overlook -- words of affirmation. According to Gallup research data that involved four million workers across more than [...]

By |November 21st, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

You Don’t Have to Be CEO to Be a Visionary Leader

By: Ron Ashkenas and Brook Manville For Harvard Business Review Photo:  Grant Faint/Getty Images Summary:  Creating a unifying vision for an organization is a fundamental skill for leaders. A simple, bold, inspirational vision can feel almost magical: it brings people throughout the company together around a common goal and provides a focal [...]

By |November 20th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

IWEC Foundation 2023 Annual Conference Gala Dinner in Turin, Italy

An amazing evening featuring entertainment, a fashion show and wonderful camaraderie among our IWEC network!  The historic venue, Reggia Di Venaria Reale (King's hunting palace), was such an exciting, beautiful place to celebrate! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urPFhXLPTUA      

By |November 17th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: |

Coca-Cola Creates New Soda Flavor with AI

By Aruna Urs For Thomas Insights An artificial intelligence (AI) driven world requires an AI-powered drink. And who better to take on the challenge than Coca-Cola? The beverage giant used AI to create a limited-edition beverage coined Y3000 Zero Sugar. The idea behind the AI-powered concept was to develop a drink [...]

By |November 16th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Silence by Harvard Business Review

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Silence by Harvard Business Review. By Vijay Eswaran For Harvard Business Review Illustration:  Getty Images/pressureUA Summary.    Many of us have forgotten (or even fear) quiet. We live in a world full of noise and chatter. A world wherein our daily routines are inundated with distractions [...]

By |November 15th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |
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