Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce (MCC) is an IWEC Founding Partner

Introduced to IWEC by CACCI

The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce this year has nominated two women for the IWEC Awards.  We are very pleased to have them join us at the 12th Annual IWEC Foundation Conference being held in New Delhi, India November 10th-13th.  These ladies will receive their awards from IWEC Chairwoman and Former US Ambassador, Ruth A. Davis and IWEC Conference Chairwoman, Princess Noor Asem of Jordan at the Awards Ceremony on Tuesday November 12th.

Congratulations Purevbadam and Jargalmaa!

Purevbadam Khad, Executive Director/Owner, Mongolian National Circus,

For more than 20 years, Purevbadam worked as an accountant for the Mongolian Ministry of Transportation where she oversaw 100 state agencies and authorities. The Mongolian circus, which was in full bloom in 1980s, was totally left aside and many talented circus artists immigrated into US, Europe and other countries. In 2006, Purevbadam purchased the circus which was in a very bad state. Today, the Mongolian National Circus has become a profitable and award-winning organization. Their international circus artists, frequently participate in international tournaments successfully, earning many medals and prizes and the circus hosts different entertainment shows, including concerts and TV shows such as “Voice Mongolia”.

The company is doing business in Mongolia and plans to expand to Europe and the United States.


Jargalmaa Munkhbayar, Executive Director, Tumur Trade LLC

Jargalmaa started her career at the State Garment Factory and worked her way up in management until the factory was closed after being privatized.  She then established her own company in 1992 and has not looked back.  She started mass manufacturing of safety clothes, sportswear and school uniforms with high quality and wide-ranging designs. Today they operate with 200 highly qualified employees, from which 20 are people with disabilities. They cooperate with 10 subcontractors as well.  Jargalmaa initiated dialogues with the Government of Mongolia to foster and develop Garment Industry in Mongolia, which was left behind in 1990s during and has helped in restoring the industry to the country.

The company is doing business with Russia, Belorussia and China.  They wish to expand to the United States, Japan and Europe.