Congratulations to these successful women business owners!!

Sosordulam Monkhor, CEI, UlemJ Cashmere LLC,

Sosordulam started UlemJ Cashmere LLC in 1995, which makes the company one of the oldest in the field of cashmere. Throughout this time she has established the largest cashmere supply chain within 12 out of 21 provinces of Mongolia creating its own sustainable raw material suppliers. The company established 14 professional cooperatives of raw material suppliers which are supporting the livelihood of about 80,000 herdsmen.  Since 2004, their second main focus was to produce value added cashmere fiber to supply foreign and local companies. They export products such as washed and dehaired cashmere, yakdawn, camelwool and sourced wools.

The company exports to China, Hong Kong, Italy, Sweden, France, India, USA, UK, South Korea & Japan.  The are interested in expanding to the Central Aisan countries, Turkey, Pakistan & Afghanistan.

Gandolgor Purevjav, CEO, Ganabell Group,

Gandolgor is a Human Resources Consultant, Success Coach, and Founder of Ganabell Group which consists of Ganabell Institute, Ganabell Digital School, Ganabell Coach Center, Ganabell Solution, Business Plus LLC, and Ganada LLC. They focus on consulting, edu-tech, importing and smart solutions. She was a pioneer in introcuding the “Life Coach” service in Mongolia by coaching thousands of business leaders to succeed internationally. She is an author of five bestseller self-help books and holder of many intellectual products.  She also established Tahe Mongolia which imports Spanish products-cosmetics and hair products-to Mongolia.  It is now a national brand with 21 distribution centers.

Gandolgor intends to export to the Chinese and Russian markets and eventually to Europe and the American market.

Tserendulam Tsevegmed, Director General, Tansag Trade LLC

Tserendulam is Tansag Trade, started in 1997, is the pioneer in the Arkhangai province, providing 30% of all goods in the region.  The company’s products include food, household, beauty, cultural and furniture goods.  They also sell clothing imported from Turkey and China.  The company also owns a department store in the city center and has 1 or 2 branches in each of the sectors in the province. Tserendulam’s goals are to become a manufacturer in her province as well.  They wish to grow the only food manufacturing company in the province which has access to many raw materials such as meat, milk, fur and rawhide.

Tsansag imports goods from China, Turkey.  Tserendulam would like to import products form the US and Europe where they want to become an official partner/distributor with companies interested in expanding to Mongolia.

We will be honoring these awardees at our 2023 Annual Conference Nov. 5-7th in Turin Italy.