IWEC Foundation Announces 2019 Conference Location
Harjinder Kaur, soon to be president of FICCI-FLO in New Delhi India, (center in the photo flanked by FICCI-FLO past presidents, Mukta Jain and Neena Malholtra), make the announcement at the IWEC Gala dinner in Shanghai at the most recent conference.
The 2019 IWEC Conference will be held November 10-13th in New Delhi, hosted by the prestigious FICCI-FLO. “We are very excited to be selected by IWEC to host the conference next year,” says Ms. Kaur. “We will make every effort to make sure that this will be one of the best conferences in IWEC history!”
IWEC’s Steering Committee along with Harjinder, will begin the planning starting in January 2019. All of the conference logistics as well as the theme and conference content are created by the host chamber and the IWEC Conference Steering Committee comprised of leaders from around the globe.
FLO represents over 5000 women entrepreneurs and professionals.
With over 34 years of experience, FLO has been promoting entrepreneurship and professional excellence among women through workshops, seminars, conferences, training and capacity building programmes etc.
The objective of the organization is to encourage and facilitate women to showcase their talents, skills, experiences and energies across sectors and verticals of the economy, for a truly inclusive economic growth trajectory