
For Thomas

Image Credit: fizkes /

In recent years, there has been a shift in the way businesses and organizations operate. Previously, the focus was on profits and numbers, with little regard for the people who worked within those systems. Today, we are now beginning to understand that for a company to achieve sustained success, employees need to be happy and healthy.

Focusing on profits can’t be a company’s only goal.

That’s not to say that profits aren’t vital, because they are. However, human-centered leadership is vital for any company or organization to thrive. Human-centered leadership is a management style that values the well-being of people over the success of the company. Prioritizing your team members’ happiness is essential to being an effective leader. It takes everyone in an organization to work together successfully to sustain long-term growth.

4 Ways Human-centered Leadership Helps Your Business

Here are just a few of the benefits that arise from implementing a human-centered approach to business.

1. Increased Job Satisfaction

It’s no secret that millennials are one of the most sought-after demographics in the workplace, but they are also known for being one of the most challenging generations to retain. Why is this? Millennials want more than just a job — they want fulfilling, personally gratifying work.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that organizations can provide their millennial employees with more than just a paycheck. For example, offering wellness perks like gym memberships or health insurance makes people happier about their jobs, and it gives them the chance to take care of themselves. Human-centered leaders prioritize providing opportunities for their staff members to grow and learn through training programs, educational courses, and tuition assistance.

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