Earlier this month, Harjinder Kaur & FICCI FLO met with Richard Pinkham & Ayesha Gideon from the American Center in New Delhi to discuss trade issues between the US & India.  Harjinder led the meeting on behalf of FICCI FLO.  Harjinder is MD & CEO Comvision(India) Pvt. Ltd., is Vice president of FICCIFLO and she will be the president of FICCI FLO 2019-20.


FICCI FLO was established in 1983, as a division of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and industry (FICCI) which is the apex body of industry and commerce in India. As an All India Organisation for women, FLO has chapters in Mumbai, Chennai, Coimbatore, Hydrabad, Jaipur, Guwahati and Kolkata with its head office in Delhi. Our members are comprised of entrepreneurs, professionals and Corporate Executives.  As the largest women’s business chamber in the country, with over 33 years of experience, FLO has been instrumental in working towards the economic empowerment of women and promoting entrepreneurship through workshops, conferences, trainings and capacity building programs.

Educating and empowering women is the catalyst for rapid socio-economic growth of the country. With India entering into its next phase of growth, it is expected to add 110 million people to its workforce in the next ten years’, including youth and women. According to a study conducted by McKinsey Global Institute in 2015, if India can increase women’s labor force participation by 10 percentage points (68 million more women) by 2025, India could increase its GDP by 16%.