
For Thomas

Image Credit: TIU

As many consumers trend toward cutting meat consumption due to moral or sustainability reasons, plant-based protein sources have emerged as a clear leader in meat’s successor. But some companies believe that consumers might be able to address these same issues by replacing meat with… other meat.

Allow us to explain.

Lab cultivated meat creators use bioengineering practices to grow meat in a cleanroom environment using cells harvested from living animals. And while the technology is still in the development stage, one company believes it’s already found a way to add new and better forms of meat to the mix.

The startup Vow Food believes that there is an opportunity to explore new and unconventional forms of meat that aren’t currently being consumed consistently. According to George Peppou, Vow’s founder and CEO, these new types of meat “are going to become as abundant, well-recognized, and well-understood as a Cheerio is, 80 years in the future.”

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