The full-day event, jointly organized by the IWEC Foundation and the Turin Chamber of Commerce, generously sponsored by Coca-Cola, and hosted at Turin’s CIM4.0 Competence Centre, took place Turin, Italy just after the Annual IWEC Conference. This gathering brought together an array of informative and engaging speakers, as well as actively participating attendees. Thank you to Fernando Hernandez & Coca-Cola!

Speakers included:

  • Dario Gallini, President, Torino Chamber of Commerce/Italy
  • Fernando Hernandez, Global Leader, Supplier Diversity The Coca-Cola Company/United States
  • Eleonora Marino, Head of Venture Lab & Innovation CIM4.0/Italy
  • Beatrice Borgia, President of Film Commission Torino Piemonte &, Chief Corporate Development Officer at Teoresi SpA/Italy
  • Marco Gay, Executive President Digital Magics/Italy
  • Nicoletta Marchlandl, Chief of Innovation Department at Turin Chamber of Commerce/Italy
  • Massimo Cavazzini, Amazon AWS/Italy
  • Anna Giula Tiozzo, Data & AI Scientist , ENI /Italy
  • Silvia Benevenuta, Ph.D in Biomedical Science and Oncology – Master Degree in Mathematics/Italy
  • Irma D’arrigo, CIM4.0/Italy
  • Davide Martignetti, Partner at Calibro Zero, Discentis, Libre, Norma | Professor at IAAD
  • Mal Vivek, CEO, Avasoft/US
  • Manasa Garemella, Kinklife/India

After lunch a tour of CIM4.0 Pilot labs took place, showing the attendees how the Centre supports their mission: The Competence Centre Manufacturing Industry 4.0 (CIM4.0) aims to provide the strategic and operative support instruments for manufacturing-oriented enterprises toward the digital transformation of industrial processes (from design to production, from R & D to the supply chain, from cybersecurity to the blockchain) accordingly to the Industry 4.0 vision.

Photos from the event: