Until organizations learn to internalize the threat, they’re in danger of falling behind
So…are businesses prepared?
by: Kellogg Insight | Jun 04, 2019 for Industry Week
In case the wildfires, hurricanes, fatal winters, and U.N. reports weren’t enough to convince business leaders to care about climate change, the World Economic Forum—for the third year in a row—cited “extreme weather” as the greatest threat to the global economy. Climate change is no longer a distant concern for all but a few specialized companies; it’s an imminent reality with implications for every industry.
So…are businesses prepared? From the perspective of a casual observer, they may appear to be. After all, they’ve been addressing the problem of climate change for years—through a series of pledges, initiatives, consortia, partnerships, and commitments to report sustainability numbers.
“Until organizations learn to internalize the threat,” Weber says, “they’re in danger of falling behind.”
Just Scratching the Surface
For the most part, companies have dealt with climate change in an ad hoc, piecemeal fashion, with an emphasis on reputation management rather than innovation.