Cherie Blair is launching a £10million mentoring campaign to help 100,000 female entrepreneurs around the world achieve their potential.

Mrs Blair, the prominent QC and wife of former PM Tony, unveiled the “100,000 Women” mentoring campaign project to leaders and luminaries assembled in Davos for the World Economic Forum tomorrow.

by RACHAEL BURFORD for the Evening Standard, UK

photo:  Cherie Blair unveiled the “100,000 Women” project at Davos for the World Economic Forum ( NIGEL HOWARD © )

Former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has already offered her backing to the project, recording a video to accompany the launch.

The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women has supported over 160,000 businesswomen across more than 100 countries since 2008. The new phase hopes to reach 100,000 more in just three years.

Mentors will be paired with an aspiring entrepreneur in another country and must have seven years business experience.

They will be provided with training and asked to give two hours a month. The Foundation must also raise £3million a year towards running costs.

Mrs Blair said: “I’ve been inspired when meeting great women entrepreneurs in lower income countries. I’ve also met men and women here who are very keen to give some practical help. I thought, how can we use the match them together?

“We don’t necessarily want CEOs. We want the middle managers, the people who are making things happen. We have a really sophisticated program that matches the mentors by skills and needs.”

The Foundation creates teaching videos, internet forums and apps to help women who would otherwise not have access to training.

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