Carmen Castillo is the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the USHCC as well as President & CEO of SDI International

The 2018 USHCC Annual Convention was held in Philadelphia and the Mayor welcomed the chamber to the city.

The US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is an IWEC chamber partner and has been bringing successful Hispanic women business owners from around the US into the IWEC network.

“Can you believe National Convention was almost two months ago? With Ramiro Cavazos coming on as the new President and CEO, we see this as the beginning of a new era for the USHCC. We are excited to showcase some of the exciting things happening here in Washington and around the country!  We will be sending out a monthly newsletter highlighting our advocacy work, upcoming events, and other news.”

Carmen Castillo IWEC Vice Chair

Take a look at the video recap of the national convention.

And check out photos from the convention

About the USHCC:

The USHCC actively promotes the economic growth, development and interests of more than 4.37 million Hispanic-owned businesses that, combined, contribute over $700 billion to the American economy every year. It also advocates on behalf of 260 major American corporations and serves as the umbrella organization for more than 200 local chambers and business associations nationwide. Follow us on Twitter @USHCC.