The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce was the founding chamber for IWEC.

CaixaBank was a founding sponsor in 2007 and has continued to support the organization.

The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce nominated one awardee for the 2019 IWEC Awards as did CaixaBank.  We are very pleased to have them join us at the 12th Annual IWEC Foundation Conference being held in New Delhi, India November 10th-13th.  Montserrat & Arancha will receive their awards from IWEC Chairwoman and Former US Ambassador, Ruth A. Davis and IWEC Conference Chairwoman, Princess Noor Asem of Jordan at the Awards Ceremony on Tuesday November 12th.

Congratulations Montserrat & Arancha!

Spain / Barcelona Chamber of Commerce

Montserrat Rossell, President, Altinco Agro S.L.,

Montserrat is a chemical engineer who began her career working for a large firm.  She also began teaching and aftermarrying, set up a small restaurant Featuring Catalan cuisine.  She also founded two companies and then worked at a company that manufactured agronomic application products.  In 1995 she was a founding partner in Altinco S.L., a company dedicated to the design, manufacture and marketing of products for the nutrition, protection and stimulation of plants. Through innovation and working alongside the farmer, Altinco creates efficient and competitive agronomic solutions that add value to the farmer and respect for the environment.

Altinco has subsidiaries in Morocco and Colombia.  They sell their products in Europe, Slovenia, Poland, Cyprus, Lithuania, Switzerland and Bulgaria.  Turkey and Ecuador are in the works as well.  The company would like to expand to more Slavic countries, the Middle East, Peru and other SA countries and Russia.

Spain / CaixaBank

Arancha Manazanares Abasolo, EVP, Ayesa,

Arancha Manzanares is the Executive Vice President of Ayesa, a multinational ETC (engineering, technology, consulting) firm, which has more than 4500 employees and is present in 17 countries. With a PhD in Industrial Engineering, she is passionate about technology and information systems. Her unique vision of the world of engineering has allowed the company to secure its position as a major international player in the world of ICT and a leader in technology in Spain and around the world, in countries such as Mexico, Panama, Ecuador and Colombia. She is married and has four children.

The company does business in Central and South America and the US and Italy.  They wish to expand further into the USA, Central America, Europe and certain Asian countries such as India.

Please read full press release for Arancha.     aranchacaixabankpressrelease