IWEC Founder, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Selects Maria Helena Antolin Raybaud As 2018 IWEC Awardee
Congratulations to Maria Helena for being chosen as the BCC’s 2018 IWEC Awardee. She will accept her award at the 11th Annual IWEC Conference being held in Shanghai in September.
María Helena Antolin Raybaud, CEO, Grupo Antolín, http://www.grupoantolin.com/en
María Helena is Director, Vice-chair and member of the Board of Directors of Grupo Antolin, an automotive manufacturing company. She is currently also director of Marketing, Communication and Corporate Affairs. Maria designed the strategy to expand in France, Germany and Italy, catering to clients in 25 countries. Maria has also been an external independent adviser and on the CSR Committee of Iberdrola Renovables, S.A., a company engaged in renewable energy. She also holds many other positions and on April 1, 2016, she was appointed President of SERNAUTO, Spanish association of manufacturers of equipment and components for automotive.