Kudos to Barbara Barran, President, Classic Rug Collection for World Trade Week NYC Award

WTW NYC’s kickoff for National World Trade Week featured NYC area businesses who have grown their companies due to import/export initiatives.  Barbara won The Export Achievement Award.  In addition, she was invited to show her rugs at the prestigious Venice Design 2018 and won a $25,000 award from the Empire State Development Corporation to exhibit internationally.

“Since starting Classic Rug Collection in 1999, I have attended international trade shows to boost overseas sales. In recognition of this effort, the US Commerce Department awarded my company the Export Achievement Award at the World Trade Week breakfast held May 7th in NYC. The award was presented by James M. Cox, Northeast Regional Manager of the US Commercial Service. We are grateful to the US Commercial Service for this prestigious award and for their exceptional assistance over the years,” stated Barbara.

“I have exported my rugs to Ireland, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Azerbaijan, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Australia, Japan, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and Canada!”

Barbara is also a member of the US Commerce Department District Export Council and supports the IWEC Foundation.

Need exceptional rugs for an overseas project? Please visit Classic Rug Collection