“Let yourself be pleasantly surprised by the true-to-life appearance of our artificial grass and discover the convincing benefits of this innovative product for indoor as well as outdoor applications,” say Ann Marie Baeyeart, CEO, Resigrass.  The company manufactures artificial grass for private gardens, public and company gardens, parks, schools and municipal playgrounds, hotels, fairs and all kinds of events. The ResiGrass artificial grass also offers comprehensive possibilities for sports applications such as soccer, tennis or golf grounds.

“Recently we expanded our collection of grasses with beautiful natural looking artificial hedges. With respect for our philosophy of beautiful and low-maintenance products (Esthetical, Economical, Ecological) for your garden, terrace, balcony etc., these hedges fit perfectly well in our collection.”

Ann Marie spent over 30 years in her career, starting from scratch up to high level management positions in a global company in Europe and Brazil, She finally followed her dream of leading her own company by  acquiring Resigrass with plans to take the company to the next level. She also started a second company, took positions in the boards of quoted and governmental companies and is enjoying all of her involvement.   All this happened at age 53!

“I hope to be an inspiration to many, for this is really the ultimate dream come true!”