If you want to do your best work, and have the best time, you have to be the best version of yourself.
by Jodie Cook
photo: Unsplash
Consistently, prolifically; the best you. That includes over the long term and the short term. It includes quickly spotting when you’re feeling down and being able to put yourself in a better frame of mind, fast.
Here are 6 powerful ways to be a better version of yourself.
Do less but better
If you’re spending your time chasing multiple goals, wearing multiple hats and fulfilling multiple obligations, you’ll certainly be busy but you might not get anywhere. Deliberate and concerted efforts in one direction is how to achieve great things. Directing your energy into multiple projects will mean it is divided.
Find focus. Find a way to say no to some of the things you’re doing, in favor of doing less but doing it better. Train and trust others to take over or remove specific obligations all together. Breathe a sigh of relief and free up space to give your all to fewer things.
Smile more
It’s the title of a song by HONNE and it’s sterling advice. Smile more. When you smile you signal happiness to your brain, so it starts acting like it’s happy. Smiling tricks your mind into a sunnier disposition. You look nicer, you seem more approachable, people gravitate towards you. You might suddenly realize you’re progressing more effortlessly than before.
Smiling implies relaxation, happiness and positive vibes and it can work powerfully alongside assertiveness and decisiveness. Smile at your team, smile at your family, smile in the mirror. Smile at the world, and the world smiles back.