I believe our future leaders are already out there because I speak with emerging leaders every day as a brand consultant. Some are entrepreneurs, others are rising executives, and some are people like you–managers, partners, thinkers, and doers–people brave enough to stand up, stand out, and help answer the challenges the world faces. Their voices and ideas are simply not being heard by a wide audience, yet.
To emerging leaders looking for your next giant step in growth opportunities, I recommend serving on the board of a business or non-profit organization. This one experience and the benefits it offers can elevate your personal and professional growth exponentially.
Here are 10 of the most important benefits that leading with other leaders offers you.
1. Clarify your purpose
Interacting with a group of leaders within a board will show you the many styles and personality types that leadership can take. By sharing your expertise, you’ll clarify your strongest skills, values, and core principles. Knowing what you stand for and why becomes clearer when facing important decisions that challenge your values or affect the organization’s future.