For Inc.

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When I give speeches on leadership, I always emphasize the importance of valuing your people if you want to be an exceptional leader.

If this made you think about whether your employees feel truly valued, there are proven methods you can use to improve your leadership skills and make sure your team feels appreciated. Here are four to consider:

1. Develop trust with your employees

Leaders must ask employees for their opinions and ideas on issues or roadblocks to success. Ask: “How do you think we could improve?” “What is keeping us stuck?” and “What do you love about the work that we’re doing here?”

Feeling heard, valued, and understood are the trifecta to building trust, but sourcing regular feedback and implementing suggestions is the only way to deliver on these fundamentals. Employees need to be given the opportunity to voice their hopes and dreams, as well as their pessimism and frustrations. When they do, the trust meter is amplified.

2. Respond to people’s needs

Great leaders are keenly interested in their employees’ jobs and career aspirations. They have a forward-thinking approach and create opportunities for their team members to learn and grow.

Good leaders develop meaningful work that aligns with the organization’s larger goals or mission by understanding what motivates their best people. This is why leaders need to invest time in learning what drives their team members and makes them passionate about their work.

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