These are the habits that make legacies, advance careers, and build profitable companies. 
For Inc.
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The higher road to being a good leader is a courageous journey; it’s walking the talk of character and integrity, and there are no shortcuts.

Good leaders who choose this journey know they can’t succeed without learning from others, especially what it means to serve for the good of others. Leaders learn to become leaders by modeling servant leadership, and they continue to learn in their roles as long as they call themselves a leader.

Along this journey, legacies are made, careers advance, and companies ultimately flourish. Here are five things these leaders practically do to inspire, motivate, and engage, day in and day out.

1. They listen more and talk less

A leader unfit for the role is one whose bragging about “knowing it all” is really a mask for their insecurity. Good leaders, in their quiet confidence, are unassuming and know what they think; they want to know what you think by listening intently. Practically speaking, this forgotten skill of listening well allows followers the freedom to be part of the conversation. Good leaders will ask curious questions, lots of questions: how something is done, what you like about it, what you learned from it, and what you need in order to be better. Good leaders realize they know a lot, and seek to know even more by listening intently.