Help your business survive the pandemic and recession with crowdfunding.
Learn about the three ways of crowdfunding, rewards, equity, and donation that can bring a new pool of billions of dollars into more women, minorities, veterans, and LGBT-owned businesses and startups.
We want to educate those new to the process of crowdfunding in our powerful 3-hour summit.
Microsoft has created an exclusive event for a few of their partner organizations in the veteran, LGBTQ, minority and women’s business arenas to help further potential fundraising. For a list of the partners, visit:
Crowdfunding has advanced around the world and is not just sourcing funding through Kick-starter-type programs. Learn about a number of resources both nationally and globally.
About this event:
Crowdfunding Roadmap Survive & Thrive Summit 2020 Sponsored by Microsoft is a virtual summit and collaboration of the Microsoft corporation and director of supplier diversity Fernando Hernández and Ruth E. Hedges Crowdfunding Roadmap’s founder and (“Queen of Crowdfunding”) and industry pioneer of equity crowdfunding.
“The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has created an economic crisis for the small businesses that are the heart and soul of our economy and our supplier diversity programs and many are in need of access to capital to manage through this crisis.
We are grateful to our partners for recognizing the need and joining together with us to educate their members in this powerful process of crowdfunding. It showcases the best of our humanity, and it demonstrates the potential to bring together people from all backgrounds and beliefs to work for our common good. Where it flourishes, communities are strengthened, robust job creation and economic growth is the result.” – Fernando Hernandez
Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project, new venture or small business.
By raising small amounts of money from a large number of fans, followers, and customers via the Internet and if done correctly can be a lifeline for hundreds of thousands of businesses that are struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.
There is “power in numbers” and that saying is greatly reflected in the world of crowdfunding, as the money from the crowd becomes a powerful way for small businesses to stay alive and survive during this pandemic and recession.
A collaboration of corporations, communities, and organizations can have a powerful effect on educating small businesses, inspiring the public to crowdfund, and have great results when we support one another’s crowdfunding campaigns.