2017 National Minority Enterprise Development Honors Conchie Fernandez, Managing Partner, CF Creative

Congratulations Conchie!  You and your firm deserve this recognition for all of your hard work and efforts.  You have been a great supporter of IWEC and we are so delighted to see this wonderful honor!

Presented to a minority-owned firm who has achieved notable success in the marketing and communication industry by demonstrating creativity and impact.

Minority Marketing and Communications Firm of the Year is presented to CF Creative. CF Creative offers business consultancy and demand-generation solutions that enable their clients to increase productivity, expand global footprints, and optimize performance. Their disruptive business solutions are centered on corporate communication, demand generation, market penetration, and branding across several industries and verticals. The company offers strategic business writing, corporate branding and video production, lead generation, advertising, and social media support to provide an end-to-end branding and communications platforms for startups and established corporations. In the past few years, CF Creative has worked with key players in the IT industry, leading demand generation, sales and business development strategies for complex IT solutions, training and communications projects for Hewlett Packard in the Caribbean and Microsoft in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Conchie Fernández-Craig, Managing Partner
Pompano Beach, Florida

View all the 2017 Awardees